
Data correct as at 2023/24

Next update due: February 2026

This report describes the number of adult social care apprenticeships which were started and achieved during the 2023/24 academic year (August 2023 to July 2024). Those who achieved an apprenticeship includes people who started in a previous year. 

The report covers factors such as apprenticeship level, demographics, regional make-up, trend analysis and comparisons to other frameworks to provide context. It should be of interest to workforce planners, learning providers, social care employers, government bodies, policy makers and anyone with an interest in social care apprenticeships.  


Downloading the visualisation 

  • You can also download a PDF or PowerPoint version by clicking on the arrow found at the bottom right of the visualisation.
  • There are notes about the data when you hover over the ( i ) in the visualisation.
  • For information about how workforce estimates are created or rounding and suppression rules please visit our webpage on methodology.
  • If you require data that isn’t available in the visualisation or report below, please contact us


Commission us

We can be commissioned to produce a bespoke analysis of workforce information to answer any specific questions you have about the adult social care workforce. Take a look at our 'commission our services' page for more information or contact us to talk about how we can help.